Do I really need a medical travel facilitator

All travel has a large emotional component, even more so when the purpose is for medical treatment. A medical facilitator simplifies this process by coordinating contact with the clinic and arranging travel logistics including accommodation, airport pickup and local transportation, medical translation and interpretation, as well as providing tourism options. Here are 4 key benefits…


The POSE procedure (Primary Obesity Surgery Endolumenal) is the reduction of the stomach without incisions, it is non invasive and performed by a simple endoscopy through the mouth ThePOSE method  is especially designed for overweight people, not including morbidly obese cases, and people that cant seem to achieve weight loss through just diet and exercise.…


Welcome to MEDTRAVELCO, our online resource that helps you schedule medical treatments in Spain. I’m Inma Meco, the founder of MEDTRAVELCO and this is my first post. Every Frayday, I will bring you news, information, or advice on how to arrange the medical treatment you need at trusted private hospitals in Spain. What is Medical…