Miracle diets don’t exist, and when you have extra weight and have tried everything, but you lack the constancy of keeping a diet or anxiety makes you lose control, it may be time to opt for treatments like the gastric balloon that together with a team of nutritionists and psychologists will help you achieve your loss goal. Get your ideal weight with a gastric balloon without surgery.
The intra gastric balloon is usually placed in those patients that have a slight or moderate overweight, that is, they have an overweight between 16 to 30 kilos and do not manage to lose weight with diets and exercise. It’s a very safe and effective technique. The gastric balloon is a stomach reduction technique without surgery as it is performed through an endoscopy with sedation, and in a few hours, you can start doing your usual activities. The only discomfort you can suffer are anguish or vomiting, but they subside within a few days. The treatment allows to reduce hunger, as it causes a premature satiety and therefore the amount of food that ingested is reduced.
The first step to know if you are a candidate for this kind of treatment is to undergo an analysis to see how your values are and to know what body-mass index you have. The placement of the intra gastric balloon with the support of a nutritionist and a psychologist will achieve really good results without undergoing a more important surgery. The intra gastric balloon is placed through the mouth and once it reaches the stomach it is filled with a saline solution. The intra gastric balloon must remain in the stomach for at least 6 months and a maximum of 12 months, after this time, the balloon will be removed through the mouth hole.